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Senpai Jason

I have always wanted to do something worthwhile. To “better” myself and others. Karate has focused that into training and instructing.


"I started Kyokushin karate at a young age, with the BKK, under Sensei Barry Bergin. I trained into my late teenage years and gradually stopped training altogether.


After getting out of my teenage years I started training with a few local Kyokushin dojos, kickboxing and self-defence clubs. Eventually, I decided to re-join the BKK, fully dedicate myself to training and gained my Shodan December 2021.


In 2021 I also began a relationship with an organisation called So-Kyokushin UK - through  Shihan Mac Robertson - and found a new, practical outlook through the traditional roots of Kyokushin training…


Politics is in all things, even martial arts. I felt that politics and organisational structures were interfering with my growth and training, certain aspects of karate were being either ignored or forgotten. I felt I had to create a chance to remedy this.


With the help of those who felt the same way and believed in me - we opened Mirai (The future) Karate Dojo in Folkestone with So-Kyokushin, as a place for all karateka to experience all of what Kyokushin offers.
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